
Neste post, irei falar, em inglês, de uma série mundialmente conhecida: Friends...
Ross, Rachel, Mônica, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe form a group of six friends that struggle to stand out and to progress in the competitive life of Manhattan. The intelligent humor and unconditional mutual support do with friendship is more and more strong, overcoming like this all of the obstacles that the life presents them. The work, family, responsibility, money, sex, commitment and, above all, love and friendship, they are some of the themes that worry and, ace times, they amuse those characters. It was not at random that the sofa
of Central Perk, the coffee where meet to talk, was changed twice by use excess. This series was filmed by ten seasons, conquering a success after the other. The soundtrack promocional, "I'll be there for you", (Rembrandts) it is as famous as the program, because the message and the chorus perfectly define the meaning of the existence of the series.

The Friends in adolescents life...
Study affirms that commercial television can be allied of the teaching. Series approached themes as pregnancy and effectiveness of preservatives. It was very already talked about the assumptions problems caused by the television channels commercial in the children's education. Now for the first time a scientific work comes to emphasize beneficial effects caused by the discussion of delicate themes in programs of entertainment for TV. In an article published in the magazine "Pediatrics", researchers of California they used an episode of the series "Friends", that she lifted the theme of the use of the preservatives in the sexual relationships. In the episode in subject happened a pregnancy, even with the use of preservatives. In the same series episode had already been transmitted where found out in a discussion among the characters about the effectiveness of the preservatives, that it is around 97%, taking the discussion for the point that the sex should be practiced in a responsible way, independent of the use of the preservatives. They were interviewees more than 500 adolescents with ages among 12 and 17 years, that were habitual spectators of the television series, that was also transmitted in Brazil. The results were exciting, 65% of the adolescents remembered the episode and of the incident with the preservative. The most important belongs to those adolescents that had attended the episode in the adults' company and that they discussed the theme after the exhibition, they presented a memory index twice larger than the other ones.
Espero que tenham gostado ;D
By: Helena Binoto

1 comentários:

eu adoro friends! é a melhor série que existe nesse mundo! adoro, adoro, adoro! (entendi tudo o que tá escrito [até parece])

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